Dedicated to the Art of Planning
for the Arts

MVPA was created as a bridge between the worlds of architectural planning and arts management. It was conceived as a consulting firm with world-class expertise both in the design of arts buildings and in strategic and operational planning for professional arts organizations and academic institutions. MVPA works in both areas, executing award-winning design projects as well as high-stakes management consulting assignments, but the firm’s specialty is in complex projects at the intersection of both, where success depends on understanding both buildings and the arts organizations that use them.

MVPA is a firm for the 21st century, built around a staff of seasoned generalists with a network of specialists who are the best in their fields, from theatre technology to arts education. Now in our twelfth year, as our focus grows more international, we continue to add services and resources to make sure that we provide the highest quality service possible.

Contact © 2020 Martin Vinik Planning for the Arts, LLC. All rights reserved.